Maritime Labour History Working Group

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  • 21.12.2015
This working group was set up just before summer 2015 inorder to participate in the 1st European Labour History Network (ELHN), Torino 14-16 December. Before the meeting about 28 scholars joined the group and finally the organizers gathered 15 papers, displayed in 5 sessions at the conference under the title Crews and dockers. Dr. Jordi Ibarz and Dr. Enric Garcia (both from the Universitat de Barcelona) were the coordinators of the sessions as well as of the working group.
The meeting has been a big success for those interested on maritime labour history, with enriching presentations and debates.  Moreover, during the conference more people came to join the group and some researchers established contact with colleagues in order to improve the transnational approach. At the end, the sessions had the presence of scholars from France, United Kingdom, Belgium, The Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Israel, Finland, United States, Turkey and SpainMaritime labour history has been put into place among other specialized fields of research in labour history.

Once sessions ended, members present at the meeting  showed a strong interest in sharing knowledge and experiences in the future, preserving the structure as a permanent group under the umbrella of the ELHN. It has been proposed to prepare a working schedule for the next months, in order to disseminate information about congresses and seminars, ideas for collective works, research in progress, etc. 
If you are interested in joining the Maritime Labour History Working Group you can contact with or
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