Printed nautical chart of the South Atlantic

nautical chart South Atlantic

Carta General del Océano Atlántico Septentrional que comprende desde el Ecuador hasta 58º 35' de latitud norte, y entre la longitud de 93º 45' al Oeste, 17º al Este del meridiano de Cádiz; Dirección de Hidrografía of Spain, producing entity; José Espejo, cartographer; Clemente Noguera, engraver; Manuel Giraldós, engraver of text; 1837

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 1652C

Object name: nautical chart

Title: Carta General del Océano Atlántico Septentrional que comprende desde el Ecuador hasta 58º 35' de latitud norte, y entre la longitud de 93º 45' al Oeste, 17º al Este del meridiano de Cádiz (General Map of the North Atlantic Ocean going from the Equator to 58º 35' latitude north, and from longitude 93° 45' in the west to 17° east of the Cadiz meridian)

Object date: 1837

Author: Dirección de Hidrografía of Spain, producing entity; José Espejo, cartographer; Clemente Noguera, engraver; Manuel Giraldós, engraver of text

Technique and material: engraving on paper.


Nautical chart with an approximate scale of 1:11,112,000, printed in 1837. It includes the South Atlantic, showing from the Equator to 58° 35′ latitude north, and between the longitude 93° 45′ W and 17° E of the Cadiz meridian. The chart, printed by the Dirección de Hidrografía, is a navigational chart that has been used on ships and that includes annotations showing things like routes. In addition, it contains a legend that reads: “Presented to H.M. the Governing Queen by the Most Excellent Secretary of State and of the Maritime, Commerce and Overseas Office Mr Francisco Xavier Ulloa; J. Espejo delineated it; C. Noguera engraved it; M. Giraldos engraved the lettering.”