Environmental quality award

Since 2015, the MMB has held the award granted by the Generalitat of Catalonia that guarantees environmental quality.


The environmental quality guarantee award is a system involving the ecological labelling of products and services which is devised to promote the design, production, marketing, use and consumption of products that have an environmental quality which goes beyond the ones established by existing laws.


In the category of cultural facilities, the main aim of the award is to promote and recognise eco-efficiency and sustainability in the planning, design and management of cultural facilities. The aim is to minimise environmental impacts and to boost sustainable development beyond the requirements stipulated in current legislation and to provide the heads and managers of these facilities with data compilations that allow them to determine the state of their facility and to improve the way it is managed.
The environmental criteria considered when granting the environmental quality award to cultural facilities are structured into nine sections, and include both compulsory and optional criteria:


• Energy-saving and efficiency
• Water saving
• Waste management
• Purchasing
• Mobility
• Efficient use of space
• Environmental ratings
• Noise and vibration
• Environmental information and education


To grant this award to the Museum, the following criteria have been assessed: energy saving and efficiency, water saving, waste management, purchasing criteria, mobility and environmental training and awareness-raising among employees of the Museum and its visitors. With these actions we are working to become an institution that is sustainable and environmentally friendly.