Religious image of Bishop Sant Telm (Saint Erasmus of Formia)

Religious image Bishop Sant Telm

Sant Telm, unknown, 18th century

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 19915

Object name: Religious Image

Title: Sant Telm (Saint Erasmus)

Object date: c. 18th century

Author: unknown

Technique and material: polychrome woodcarving

Figureheads and sculptures

The patron saint of seafarers in Catalonia was Sant Elm (Saint Erasmus, Bishop of Formia) until the 16th or early 17th century, when he was gradually replaced by Pedro González Telmo, Bishop of Tui, who was popularly known as Elm or Telm by association with his predecessor. Their similar names created a lasting confusion between the two saints, and one was replaced by the other almost without anyone noticing. In this image of Sant Telm, he wears the robe and mitre of a bishop, holds a crozier in his right hand and a model ship in his left.