Sea & Memory

Through the project Mar & Memòria (Sea & Memory), the Museu Marítim de  Barcelona aims to reach out to people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and their family members with a desire to promote inclusion, as one of the Museum’s values of corporate social responsibility. In accordance with the MMB’s museographic discourse, the main theme of the project’s activities is the sea and seafaring traditions, but especially their connections with elderly people.

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Who it is aimed at: organisations that work with patients suffering from neurodegenerative illnesses

The project’s activities have been devised with special consideration for the symptoms of illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, which causes cognitive deterioration and behavioural disruptions in patients. Thanks to preliminary work with professional therapists, a visit to the exhibition is adapted to the needs of the group and will be as comfortable as possible. Using the objects in the collections, the images and contents of the exhibitions, the participants are encouraged to interact and express what these items evoke for them, their memories and experiences.

For Alzheimer’s sufferers, taking part in cultural, recreational activities serves as a stimulus that helps them to laugh, share, get excited and forge links with their own experiences. The aim is to promote their therapeutic well-being and, by extension, that of their carers and family members.

The health-promoting initiatives of projects such as Mar & Memòria help to strengthen the link between the MMB and the general public and their well-being, all of which represent central pillars of the organisation’s social project.