Ex-voto of a naval battle from the Hermitage of Nostra Senyora de La Cisa

ex-voto naval battle Hermitage Nostra Senyora La Cisa

Exvot del dia 21 de jane de 1766 foram restauras per an Don Anton Barceló y la yntarceció de Maria Santisima, unknown, 1766-1767

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 1020

Object name: Ex-voto on wood (visual religious articles)

Title: Exvot del dia 21 de jane de 1766 foram restauras per an Don Anton Barceló y la yntarceció de Maria Santisima

Object date: 1766-1767

Author: unknown

Technique and material: tempera on wood.


This ex-voto is related to a famous figure from the wars against North-African corsairs and pirates: Antoni Barceló. The painting is a fairly clear and complete narrative of the battle between two Spanish square-sailed xebecs and two Saracen corsair vessels. On the left are the Virgin of Montserrat and the Virgin of Cisa, observing the naval battle off the coast of Alacant, between Benidorm and La Vila Joiosa. Below, we see the names of three Christians captured by the corsairs and rescued by Barceló. The text reads: “Ex-voto from the 21st of January 1776, we were recovered by Mr Anton Barceló and with the intercession of Most Holy Mary.” The piece, of unknown authorship, is from the Hermitage of Nostra Senyora de la Cisa, in Premià de Dalt.