Portrait of vessels belonging to the shipping line Mir y Cia, by Josep Montgay Torné

portrait vessels shipping line Mir y Cia

Ships in the fleet of the shipping line Mir y Cia, Josep Montgay Torné

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 3213

Object name: painting

Title: Fleet of the shipping line Mir y Cia

Object date: 1886

Author: Josep Montgay Torné

Technique and material: oil on canvas.

Ship portraits

Painting showing the fleet of the Mir y Cia shipping company of Barcelona. This oil-on-canvas piece shows the company’s active ships in 1886, the year it was painted: the barquentines Alfredo and Lorenzo, and the brigs Pisogas and Ataúlfo. Although individual ship’s portraits are most common, occasionally shipowners would request collective portraits like this one. All the ships fly the Spanish ensign (originally, it was only the flag of the Spanish merchant marine), and a flag showing they are registered in Barcelona. To correctly identify the vessels, the artist added their names on pennants. Still, the company flag is not shown.