Schooner Santa Eulàlia

pailebot Schooner Santa Eulàlia

Pailebot Santa Eulàlia, Antonio Marí Aguirre, 1918

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 19018

Object name: pailebot or three-masted schooner

Title: Pailebot Santa Eulàlia

Object date: 1918

Author: Antonio Marí Aguirre, shipwright

Technique and material: wood, metal, paint, plant fibre, cloth. Shipbuilding.


Three-masted schooner, launched on Torrevieja beach in 1918. Originally named the Carmen Flores, it was motorized in 1930 and renamed the Puerto de Palma, and later the Cala San Vicenç. From 1975 onwards, it sailed under the name Sayremar Uno, working as an auxiliary vessel and carrying out tasks related to underwater work.

In 1997, the Maritime Museum of Barcelona acquired the Santa Eulàlia in an auction and restored it to its original form, as a three-masted sailing ship. The craft sailed once again, and was used in numerous activities as the flagship of the Maritime Museum of Barcelona and the city.

On May 25th, 2010, the Government of Catalonia’s General Management of Cultural Heritage declared the Santa Eulàlia a Cultural Object of National Interest.