Print of galleys

Print of galleys

Die Ausrüstung der Galleeren. Apparatus Triremium, Jacques Rigaud, illustrator; Martin Engelbrecht, engraver, c. 1730

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 596

Object name: print (visual piece)

Title: Die Ausrüstung der Galleeren. Apparatus Triremium

Object date: c. 1730

Author: Jacques Rigaud, dibuixant; Martin Engelbrecht, engraver

Technique and material: colour chalcography on paper.

Engravings and lithographs

German or Austrian chalcography from an uncertain date (c. 1730), showing galleys and people gathering nearby. Some seem to be crew members, carrying bundles to boats while others fill barrels at a fountain. Seated observers are also visible. In the middle, the men loading the galley with bundles and carrying oars are especially noteworthy.

The print is entitled Die Ausrüstung der Galleeren. Apparatus Triremium. It is part of a series of six prints entitled Der Galleeren-Bau (The Construction of the Galley), Die Tauffe der Galleeren (The Baptism of the Galleys), Das Lust Fest der Galleeren in dem Hafen zu Marseille (The Pleasure Fête of the Galleys in the Port of Marseille), Die Ausrüstung der Galleeren (The Fitting of the Galleys), Die Zeit zur Abfahrt der Galleeren (The Time for the Departure of the Galleys) and Die Zurückkunfft der Galleeren (The Return of the Galleys).