Advertising poster for the Royal Regatta Club of Barcelona

Advertising poster Royal Regatta Club Barcelona

Real Club de Regatas de Barcelona, Antonio Utrillo, early 20th century

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 19849

Object name: poster

Title: Real Club de Regatas de Barcelona

Object date: early 20th century

Author: Antonio Utrillo

Technique and material: colour lithograph on paper.

Engravings and lithographs

Poster by the Catalan painter Antoni Utrillo Viladera, announcing rowing regattas organized by the Royal Regatta Club of Barcelona for May 28th, 1899. In the last decades of the 19th centuries, advertising posters became very popular. They were often called affiche, using the French term.

It was in France that this artistic form was first cultivated by great painters and illustrators. These posters aimed to attract an audience (often to charity events) and promote the idea of sailing clubs as places for the upper classes to show off and socialize.