Advertising poster for the Barcelona-Buenos Aires line

Advertising poster Barcelona-Buenos Aires line

Lloyd Sabauco societa anonima per azioni con sede in Genova Capitale emesso e versato 75.000.000; Para Buenos Aires con escalas en Las Palmas (eventual), Río de Janeiro; Santos y Montevideo saldrá el 31 de diciembre del Puerto de Barcelona el rapido y acreditado vapor Principe di Undine admitiendo carga y pasaje de 1ª 2ª y 3ª clase..., J. M. Pasenas, 1910

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 19830

Object name: poster

Title: Lloyd Sabauco societa anonima per azioni con sede in Genova Capitale emesso e versato 75.000.000; Para Buenos Aires con escalas en Las Palmas (eventual), Río de Janeiro; Santos y Montevideo saldrá el 31 de diciembre del Puerto de Barcelona el rapido y acreditado vapor Principe di Undine admitiendo carga y pasaje de 1ª 2ª y 3ª clase...

Object date: 1910

Author: J. M. Pasenas

Technique and material: colour lithograph on cloth-backed paper.

Engravings and lithographs

Poster from the Genoa-based Italian company Lloyd Sabauco, advertising a trip between Barcelona and Buenos Aires with stops at Las Palmas (eventual), Rio de Janeiro, Santos and Montevideo. This lithograph printed by J.M. Pasenas in 1910 was aimed mostly at possible immigrants. The poster offers a great deal of information on the company, the ship, the route and how to sign up. “Lloyd Sabauco joint stock company with headquarters in Genoa, 75,000,000 issued and paid in (top); To Buenos Aires with stops in Las Palmas (eventual), Rio de Janeiro; Santos and Montevideo. Leaving December 31st from the Port of Barcelona, the fast and accredited steamship Principe di Udine (centre) accepting cargo and 1st-, 2nd– and 3rd-class passengers. Besides its spacious cabins and halls, this ship also has a winter garden, wireless telegraph, bar and any other commodities that can be wished for on a luxury steamship. It also has magnificent cabins with bathrooms and a splendid deck for 3rd-class passengers. For more information, contact general agents in Spain. Ignacio Villavecchia y Cia. Rambla Santa Mónica, nº 7 Barcelona. Telephone Nº 345 and 349 A. Madrid agency for 1st and 2nd class: Valenzuela, 10 (corner of Alfonso XII)”.