Topographic view of Barcelona from the sea

Topographic view of Barcelona from the sea

Barcellona, Francesco Ambrosi, engraver; Giovanni Remondini, editor, c. 1780

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 3520

Object name: print (visual piece)

Title: Barcellona

Object date: c. 1780

Author: Francesco Ambrosi, gravador; Giovanni Remondini, editor.

Technique and material: colour engraving on paper

Engravings and lithographs

Engraving published at Bassano del Grappa around 1780, showing Barcelona from the sea, with the port lantern in the foreground. On the right, a lighthouse over the breakwater is visible at the end of the dock. Around it are different groups of individuals, many with red capes. Different ships can be seen in the port. A key with 22 numbers identifies the city’s most notable buildings, which appear behind the sea wall. In the background, the mountains of Montjuïc and Montserrat are visible. The name of the city and two coats of arms can be seen at the top.