Stereoscopic photograph of the deck of the steamship Infanta Isabel

Vista estereoscòpica del pont del vapor Infanta Isabel, de la Cia Pinillos, unknown, 1922

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 31505F

Object name: positives (photographs)

Title: Vista estereoscòpica del pont del vapor Infanta Isabel, de la Cia Pinillos (Stereoscopic view of the deck of the steamship Infanta Isabel, belonging to the Cia Pinillos)

Object date: 1922

Color: black and white

Suport: paper

Author: unknown

Technique and material: photographic negative/stereoscopy


Stereoscopic photograph showing the deck of the Compañía Pinillos steamship Infanta Isabel. A handwritten explanation on the back of the photograph reveals that the picture shows a view taken from the stern. This picture is part of a series of similar images taken by a traveller as a souvenir of their trip, whether for business or pleasure, to the Americas. Stereoscopic images were seen using a special viewer that showed the image in relief, with a three-dimensional effect that was very popular. These pictures could either be positives on paper (generally albumin) attached to cardboard, or positives on glass plates.