Portrait of an unknown individual

Retrat d'un personatge no identificat, unknown, 1850-1900

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 21100F

Object name: tintype

Title: Retrat d'un personatge no identificat

Object date: 1850-1900

Color: color

Suport: metal

Author: unknown

Technique and material: tintype.


Portrait of an unknown individual. Its presence in the archives of the Maritime Museum of Barcelona suggests that the protagonist is related to the seafaring world and may be a ship’s captain, but no further information is available. This photograph is a tintype, a system that uses a metal sheet as the support for the photographic emulsion. It is not as delicate as the ambrotype, but the quality may be quite similar. The quality of this portrait is not especially good, and it has also been hand-coloured. As a result, this piece is of more interest as an example of a photographic technique than as a historical document.