Commission of Romeu Desplà

Nomenament de Romeu Desplà, Bonanat Descoll, 1375

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 1647D

Object name: document

Title: Nomenament de Romeu Desplà

Object date: 1375

Author: Bonanat Descoll

Technique and material: ink on paper, manuscript


Document from 1375, with a seal showing the arms of the royal officer in charge of Les Drassanes, “Oficii Conservatorii Darassanorum Aragorum 1357”. It includes the commission of the administrator and the clerk of the work on galleys at the shipyards in Barcelona, Romeu Desplà. The document was issued by Bonanat Descoll, who oversaw all shipyards in the Crown of Aragon under Peter III.

The text reads: “Bonanat Descoll, Manager of the shipyards of the King here and beyond the sea. To the honoured Romeu Desplà, citizen of Barcelona. Health! I inform, order and command you on behalf of the King that as long as it should please the King and me, you will be the administrator and clerk for the construction of galleys and other things that I will have made for the King, within and without the shipyards of Barcelona as a result of my position. As soon as you can, buy wood, nails, oakum, arms, cordage, tools and all other needed supplies for the said galleys and pay for them. Furthermore, pay shipwrights, oarmakers, caulkers, carpenters and all other working people needed for such things. On behalf of the King, I order all masters, carpenters, caulkers and oarmakers in said shipyard, and all others subject to my position, to obey you and do what you ordain regarding the aforementioned work. I place you in charge of the money that you will receive for the stated administration; you must give a faithful account of it to me and to my accounts reviewer. Given in Barcelona on the XV day of March, in the year MCCCLVII of the nativity of our Lord.”