Portolan chart of the western and central Mediterranean (Bartomeu Olives)

Portolan chart Mediterranean Bartomeu Olives

Portolan chart of the western and central Mediterranean, Bartomeu Olives, 1538

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 9796

Object name: portolan chart

Title: Portolan chart of the western and central Mediterranean

Object date: 1538

Author: Bartomeu Olives

Technique and material: coloured drawing on parchment


Nautical chart on coloured parchment, made in Majorca in 1538 by Bartomeu Olives. Bartomeu and his brother Jaume founded a dynasty of Majorcan mapmakers active from 1538 to 1588 in the cities of Messina, Venice and Palermo.

The chart shows the western and central Mediterranean up to Crete, the Atlantic shores of the Iberian Peninsula up to Finisterre, and the coast of North Africa. On the neck of the parchment, located to the west, there is a representation of Saint Nicholas.