Portolan chart of the Mediterranean, Black Sea and Sea of Azov by Pietro Russo

Portolan chart Mediterranean Black Sea Azov

Portolan Chart of the Mediterranean, Black Sea and Sea of Azov, Pietro Russo, 1508

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 841

Object name: portolan chart

Title: Portolan Chart of the Mediterranean, Black Sea and Sea of Azov

Object date: 1508

Author: Pietro Russo

Technique and material: coloured drawing on parchment.


Nautical chart signed by Pietro Russo in Messina in 1508. Drawn on a whole piece of parchment with the neck towards the west, it includes some notable elements, like Scotland separated from England or a still-independent Kingdom of Granada, even though the Catholic Monarchs had conquered it sixteen years prior.

It shows several characteristic traits of Majorcan cartography, like the representation of the Atlas Mountains in the shape of a palm tree, the Danube as a chain and certain notable cities bearing flags, such as Genoa, Venice, Cairo, Damascus or Jerusalem.