Fine for transporting merchandise without a licence

Gremi de bastaixos, macips de ribera i carreters de mar de Barcelona collection, [Ofici de l'Alcalde Major i Tinent Corregidor de Barcelona relatiu a una multa per intrusisme professional] (Document by the Head Mayor and the Lieutenant Corregidor of Barcelona regarding a fine for professional intrusion), 1795, 2243.

Llegir més

Fons: Gremi de bastaixos, macips de ribera i carreters de mar de Barcelona

Registre: 2243

Object date: 1795

Technique and material: ink on paper


The Porters’ Guild was an association created at the end of the 13th century, made up of professionals who transported the merchandise that arrived in the port of Barcelona, and the merchandise from the city shipping out of the port. One of the purposes of the guild was to look out for the interests of its members and their families, as a form of social protection.

One of the purposes of the guild was to protect the profession, so that anyone from outside the guild who attempted to transport merchandise could be fined by the competent authorities. In this document, Josep Roc is fined for transporting green beans from his house to the beach without the consent of the Guild in 1795.