Permit granted by Pere Aimeric to Marçal Noguera

Gremi de bastaixos, macips de ribera i carreters de mar de Barcelona collection, Permís atorgat per Pere Aimeric, jutge delegat pel veguer, a favor de Marçal Noguera, prevere i tutor de Caterina Sabater, filla del difunt Andreu Sabater, porter reial (Permit granted by Pere Aimeric, Judge appointed by the veguer, in favour of Marçal Noguera, Presbyter and guardian of Caterina Sabater, daughter of the late Andreu Sabater, royal porter), 1556, 2763.

Llegir més

Fons: Gremi de bastaixos, macips de ribera i carreters de mar de Barcelona

Registre: 2763

Object date: 1556

Technique and material: ink on paper and parchment



The Porters’ Guild was an association created at the end of the 13th century, made up of the professionals who transported the merchandise that arrived in the port of Barcelona, and the merchandise from the city shipping out of the port. One of the purposes of the guild was to look out for the interests of its members and their families, as a form of social protection.

In this document, conserved in the Guild collection, powers are given to Marçal Noguera, the guardian of Caterina, a young girl who cannot yet work and who has no money. He is permitted to sell mortgages on her inheritance, so that he can obtain 39 pounds to dress and feed her.