Ex-voto from the Hermitage of Nostra Senyora de La Cisa

Ex-voto Hermitage Nostra Senyora La Cisa

DNVRC Bayhano Ex-voto de Ventura Riera, Hoy día 22 de octubre de 1846 estando el falucho Bayhano su capitan DBVR el 2º DGV, el 3ª DMS en la latitud 5° 56' N y la longitud 10° 12' E del meridiano de Cádiz y a las 8 de la mañana se avistó un vapor de guerra inglés..., unknown, 1846

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 619

Object name: ex-voto (visual religious articles)

Title: DNVRC Bayhano Ex-voto de Ventura Riera...

Object date: 1846

Author: unknown

Technique and material: tempera painting on paper.


Painted ex-voto from the Hermitage of Nostra Senyora de la Cisa, in Premià de Dalt, representing the religiousness of seafarers. With this offering, a group of slave traffickers give thanks to God for having escaped the British Navy, which pursued the slave trade. In the 16th and 17th centuries, millions of Africans were kidnapped and brought to the European colonies to be exploited as slaves. This business created great fortunes, even after the slave trade was abolished and pursued.

This painted ex-voto was offered by slave ship captains who had escaped the authorities and had been able to unload their human wares. The text reads “DNVRC Bayhano Ex-voto from Ventura Riera, Today October 22nd, 1846, in the falucho Bayhano, its captain DBVR at the 2nd DGV, the 3rd DMS in latitude 5° 56′ N and longitude 10° 12′ E of the meridian of Cadiz and at 8 in the morning, an English naval steamship was seen at a distance of 14 miles, wind NW and we realized it was pursuing us. It was within view all day, at 6 in the afternoon with little wind, the steamship was at a distance of about two miles. Its starboard wheel broke and an hour later the wind began to favour us, and under the cover of darkness we were able to escape such an invincible adversary”.