
At the Maritime Museum of Barcelona, photography has a notable presence on several different levels. First of all, the Museum has photographic collections made up of historical or documentary pieces from different origins: acquisitions, donations, the authors themselves, etc. These receive special treatment both because of what they portray and their format. This includes photographs that are part of personal or company collections, which also have a documentary or historical value. In general, pictures of ships, ports or individuals abound in a series of formats: albumin, positives on glass, negatives on plastic or glass, slides, etc.

Secondly, there are photographs of Museum pieces, objects and documents. These serve to document these pieces and help make them available to the public. Finally, we have photographs related to Museum activities, whether they be construction, exhibits, school activities, etc.; these materials are always connected in some way to an administrative file.

According to the interests and the needs of users, the Museum can provide for the consultation or reproduction of photographs.