Drawing of the steamship Reina Victòria Eugènia

Drawing steamship Reina Victòria Eugènia

Steamship Reina Victòria Eugènia, unknown, c. 1913

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 10351

Object name: drawing

Title: Steamship Reina Victòria Eugènia

Object date: c. 1913

Author: unknown

Technique and material: tempera drawing on cloth-lined paper.

Ship portraits

Longitudinal cross-section of the Reina Victòria Eugènia, showing the details of a ship built in 1913 by the William Denny Brothers of Dumbarton (Scotland) as a commission of the Compañía Trasatlántica.

For several years, the Reina Victòria Eugènia was the biggest steamship in the Spanish merchant marine, with a gross tonnage of 10,137 and 13,666 displacement tons. The Trasatlántica used this ship for its South America route, taken by most of the Spanish and Italian immigrants that travelled in the company’s packet boats. The ship could carry 159 first-class passengers, 290 second-class passengers, 122 preferential third-class passengers and 805 immigrants.

It sailed under the name Reina Victòria Eugènia from 1913-1931, and under the name Argentina from 1931-1936. During the Spanish Civil War, the republican authorities used it to hold political prisoners. It suffered bombardments and a fire, and was decommissioned in 1947.