Portrait of the steamship Ana de Sala, by Josep Mongay Torné

Portrait steamship Ana de Sala

Steamship Ana de Sala, Josep Mongay Torné, 1881

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 6698

Object name: painting

Title: Steamship Ana de Sala

Object date: 1881

Author: Josep Mongay

Technique and material: oil on canvas

Ship portraits

Oil on canvas from 1881 by Josep Mongay Torné, one of the great painters of ship’s portraits from the 19th-century Catalan school. The Ana de Sala is shown in the midst of all the activity at the port of Barcelona, alongside boats and barges transporting merchandise to the steamship. The ship, which still has the auxiliary rigging of a brig, was property of the Sala y Vidal society. It ran the Barcelona-Havana-United States-Barcelona route, where it primarily carried cotton.