Jakt Far Barcelona

Jakt Far Barcelona

Jakt Far Barcelona, unknown, 1874

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 20531

Object name: jakt

Title: Jakt Far Barcelona

Object date: 1874

Author: unknown

Technique and material: wood, metal, paint, plant fibre, cloth. Shipbuilding.


Far Barcelona is a Norwegian jakt built in 1874 at Hardanger Fjord (Norway). Originally called Anne Dorthea, it was used to transport fish. It was active until 1975, and was then restored at the workshops of the El Far consortium. It is a two-masted schooner, with a length of 23.10 meters, a 6.76-meter beam, a depth of 2.96 m, and weighing 140 tons. It was recently added to the fleet of the Maritime Museum of Barcelona.