Beach Observers- Microplastics watchers

 Beach Observers- Microplastics watchers is an educational citizen science program that studies the presence of microplastics on our beaches. This proposal allows for work by projects in the classroom, and lets students work shoulder-to-shoulder with the scientific world.

This project, run jointly by the Institut de Ciències del Mar (Sea Science Institute, or CSIC) and the Maritime Museum of Barcelona, is part of the citizen science platform Observadors del Mar (Sea Observers) and its Plàstic 0 initiative. This platform wants to strengthen citizen commitment to the environment in general and the marine ecosystem in particular, with proposals that involve a change in attitudes and that have an environmental impact in schools or at home.

The educational proposal is designed to help students learn skills, while they also become aware of the problem of the presence of plastics in the marine ecosystem.






The principal goals of this educational program are:

Participate in a citizen science project that brings boys and girls closer to real scientific research.

Raise awareness among boys and girls on the problem of solid waste and microplastics on the coast.

Use concepts and strategies from scientific work.

Promote teamwork.