Life and death of the Companyia Transatlàntica

Arxiu MMB Transatlántica

Pere de Prada i Arana

The Maritime Museum of Barcelona Archive is working on processing all of the information found in the birth and death certificates of ships from the Compañía Transatlántica. The documents kept in the shipping company’s records go from 1878 to 1936.

The Compañía Transatlántica Project contemplates the emptying of data from the series ‘Civil / ecclesiastical registration books’ and ‘Certificates and acts’. The documents in these series are essentially acts that rose every time a birth or decease took place on board, during the crossing to the port of destination. The demographic data that are obtained are qualitative, so that in addition to basic data such as name, gender and age, it reports on kinship relationships, place of birth, the class in which he was traveling, the causes of death. Beyond the utility to locate a particular individual more effectively, the result will be an exploitable data file for example in demographic studies.